Blocks is a set of photographs taken in the ruins of bunkers from the Second World War. At these historic sites, time and elements have eroded the reinforced concrete and the structures round off, disappear and seem to be, at first sight, on the surface of the image, simple pebbles and rocks. Materials and fragments show a transitory, intermediate state between architecture, memory and becoming.

Blocs est un ensemble de photographies prises sur les ruines de bunkers de la seconde guerre mondiale. Lieux historiques, le temps et les éléments ont érodé le béton armé, les structures s’arrondissent, disparaissent et semblent être, de prime abord, à la surface de l’image, de simples cailloux et roches. Materiaux et fragments montrent un état transitoire, intermédiaire, entre architecture, mémoire et devenir-rocher.